Persist regardless – Peter Kwadwo Asare Nyarko

When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Whatever you accomplish in life, there will be moments when things do not go as planned, times when everything appears to be working against you and times when you fail.

You may feel like giving up at times like these, and you may even have a low sense of confidence and self-esteem, which makes you feel horrible about yourself.

During such instances, the easiest thing to do is to stop what we’re doing and go on to something else. Something that makes our prior work simpler or distracts us from it. This is precisely what the vast majority of individuals in our society do, because it is a normal human predisposition to prioritize pleasurable and simple activities over those that are difficult and important.

Those who can persevere in the face of hardship, on the other hand, have a greater chance of doing something meaningful and valuable in their lives.

Most individuals who fail in life expect to succeed fast and with little effort. While this may occur for some people, majority of us will have to work extremely hard and for many hours before we are able to complete our goals. The realistic components for success are hard effort and long hours.

The greatest achievements frequently follow the biggest failures. Even if it appears hopeless at times, if you work hard enough, you will ultimately experience success.

It will be much simpler to acquire the talent of self-persistence if you can adopt this approach of attempting to see the good in every situation. You’ll also notice that when things don’t go your way, you’ll be able to deal with it emotionally far better.

This is critical since self-doubt and sadness are two of the most powerful deterrents to persistence. These bad feelings can sap your motivation, robbing you of the energy you need to get things done. Because it is intricately associated with one’s own personal growth and self-improvement, persistence is an extremely vital attribute to cultivate in life.

Failure, learning from your mistakes, and moving on are the only ways to improve in life.

As Martin Luther King Jr. has rightly said that “If you can’t fly you run, if you can’t run you walk, if you can’t walk you crawl. But no matter what, you keep moving forward.”


Peter Asare Nyarko

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