Cfle Africa



CFLE Africa seeks to create massive awareness and prepare individuals to be informed citizens and leaders. That means knowing not only what they want to do with their life, but also with their financial resources.

CFLE Africa as lead ambassador of The Financial Awareness Foundation is taking an active leadership role to recognize organizations, their management, and concerned individuals that are championing improving financial awareness and financial literacy in Ghana and across Africa.

We are then uniting them with other associations, organizations, nonprofits, educational institutions, municipalities, employers and the news media to actively focus their vast community resources into our flagship project “The Improving Financial Awareness & Financial Literacy Movement in Ghana and Africa” with its concentrated personal finance content media blitz every six months through the strategic campaign venues of

  • April – known as Financial Literacy Month
  • October – known as Estate & Gift Planning Awareness Month

The plan is to touch everyone at least twice a year through these strategic campaign venues, with educational and motivating content, and reminders and tools for making wise informed lifelong financial decisions to get and keep your financial house in order by having current financial, estate and gift plans.

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CFLE Africa also develop and deliver exceptional educational content and programs for the general public – rich to poor, the children, young women and men, parents and grandparents, and for financial service and nonprofit professionals, and educational institutions that support the public’s financial, estate and gift planning needs. We advocate for financial literacy through events and campaigns.

Flagship Programs Under Our Advocacy Campaigns

Community Outreaches
A financial awareness and literacy advocacy program at market centers for market women/men and remote and rural communities in Ghana and other African countries. This helps with grassroot information, which informs our decisions on how to equip and educate these group of people to become financially aware and literate and to help them plan their finances. These outreaches will be held twice a year, in March during Financial Literacy Month and six month later, in October during Gift and Estate Planning Awareness Month.

Financial Literacy Challenge

This is a yearly Financial Literacy Challenge for High School Students to compete among themselves on financial awareness and literacy contents, researches, fun activities and lifelong initiatives. This challenge will commence in July every year and ends in September.


In our quest to raise communities of financial literates and see an Africa in which all people are financially aware and literates, we are partnering The Financial Awareness Foundation and other organizations across Africa and Universities to establish associations and research centers at these universities. These centers and associations will serve as the research think tank for our community projects and initiatives. We will also work closely and directly with them during April and October to champion the improving financial awareness and financial literacy movement in Ghana, Africa and Worldwide.


As part of the CFLE Africa activities, this core activity area focuses on financial literacy capacity building. We educate and train individuals to learn about all the essential principles to personal finance knowledge covering areas such as getting organized, budgeting, saving, debt management, investment planning for their future and financial independence along with estate and gift planning to protect them and their loved ones.

Financial experts will give detailed presentations on everything from how to approach investing decisions to what to consider when you want to buy a house. The Center is a place to turn to for answers to any financial question, giving you the tools to take control of your own financial education and future.

We also run short courses, certification programs and training modules in collaboration with other accredited institutions and professional bodies under this activity area.

Programs Under Education And Training;
Community Service Financial Fitness Advocate (CS-FFA) Certification
Financial coaching is not a replacement for financial counseling or planning but a way of working with clients to support them in taking charge of their financial choices and implementing action plans.

The CS-FFA Course training provides a clear process with a focus on mastery of coaching skills, allowing each individual to bring their own unique personality and expertise to the coaching relationship. It is designed for community service financial advocates, young professionals and academicians who want to build a coaching career in financial literacy, business and investments.

It is the basic essential coaching skills for community engagements. This is scheduled for June each year, mostly for our volunteers.


CFLE Africa engages in public speaking and news media presentations on issues of financial awareness and financial literacy. One of our visions is to establish a Radio/TV program that is fully dedicated to creating massive awareness on financial literacy and addressing key financial issues and challenges in the country and the continent of Africa. We also welcome invitations to speak on any financial related topic at conferences, seminars, workshops, forums, and other social gatherings.