Happy Estate & Gift Planning Awareness Month: A Good Man Leaves an Inheritance to His Children’s Children

Estate and Gift Planning Awareness Month; It is Time to Protect You and Your Family

The vast majority of our adult population does NOT have nor realize the importance of not having a current or up-to-date estate and gift plan to protect themselves, their family and their assets; that can include most of your family, friends, and colleagues. Young folks do not see the need and understand why they should have an up-to-date estate and gift plans!

Estate and gift planning is a financial process that can protect you and your family and is a very important component of your overall financial planning.

“Without an estate and gift plan, when you pass away, your affairs will be settled by default through a complex legal system dealing with “intestate succession and probate.”

Now is the perfect time to put your estate planning house in order. If you don’t have an up-to-date estate and gift plan and you happen to get hurt or sick and cannot manage your health or financial affairs, the courts will have to appoint someone to manage them for you. The person appointed might not be the one you would want to perform those tasks.

This takes us to the Bible! Proverb 13: 22 reads “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”

Are you a good man?

If you consider yourself a good man or a good woman, what do you think about this scripture?

A good man leaves an inheritance not only to his children but to his grandchildren. This means such a man toiled during his life and used the earnings of his toil not only to clothe, feed, and shelter himself and his family, but also used it to increase his help to others. His labor spilled over and his substance multiplied.

This man did not just leave material wealth for his children’s children. He also left with them the wisdom to use it wisely, and to continue to grow the wealth for their children and grandchildren.

When one leaves the earth and they have left good or great fortunes for not only their children but their grandchildren and great-grandchildren; it speaks to their diligence and carefulness they took with what God gave them during their lifetime.

The sinner is not so! They either spend recklessly and aimlessly, or they selfishly stored up their money. They hated their children and thus do not impart wisdom to them. Thus they do not leave them a healthy inheritance.

Therefore, all their riches get consumed or taken over by the government when they transitioned.

Prepare now for what you will impart to your children and your children’s children!

Happy Estate & Gift Planning Awareness Month to you and your families.

Register to join our press conference on Monday to learn more about Estate and Gift Planning and how you can build and leave a legacy.

Register here:




Peter Asare Nyarko

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