About Us

SAGE – an acronym for Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship. It is a non-profit Transnational Social Movement Organization initiated at the California State University Chico USA by Professor Curtis Deberg. It engages young people in a hands-on learning process on how to create wealth, help others and their communities.

Since the adoption of the SAGE Programme in Ghana in 2005, it has shown that it is a potent model for educational reform, youth re-orientation, community service learning and youth employment generation.

SAGE Ghana’s strategy is to prepare and empower Ghanaian youth through a youth entrepreneurship and community service programme, while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of financial literacy, ethical business practices, civic engagement and environmental awareness.

Our Vision: Creating better futures through social enterprises, socially responsible businesses and community service.

Our Mission: To help create the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders whose innovations and social enterprises address the major unmet needs of our global community.

We are glad to be working closely with CFLE Africa on Financial Literacy Challenge for high school students as part of our National High School Entrepreneurship Competition and other improving financial awareness and financial literacy projects.