
⦁ To Empower and Educate all Ghanaians and Africans to make Financially Sound Decisions.
⦁ Develop and Promote Financial Literacy Skills in Young People for Successful Living.
⦁ Create Massive Financial Awareness and Financial Literacy Education.
⦁ Recognize and Unite Organizations, and Individuals that are Championing Improving Financial Awareness and Financial Literacy.


 An Africa in which All People are Financially Aware and Financially Literate.

Strategic Approach

To Successfully Execute our Mission and Achieve our Vision We Consistently;
⦁ Deploy & Employ Human Resources Creatively
⦁ Engage in Collaborative and Strategic Partnerships
⦁ Utilize All Available & Applicable Cutting-edge & Technology

Core Activities

⦁ Advocacy
⦁ Education and Trainings
⦁ Consulting and Facilitation

The Big Challenge

Ghana has a population of nearly 30 million with an employment rate of about 41% and an unemployment rate near 6.8%. However, this leaves over 3.9 million Ghanaians (13% of our population) so poor they cannot afford three meals a day for themselves and their family; in rural areas it is higher. Many are struggling to survive less than $1.90 PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) (1) US per day. In Africa as a whole, the case is worse.

Alliance of Financial Literacy Organizations (AFLO)

Become AVolunteer

Assist in the planning and organizing of financial literacy events, host workshops for students on creating and building wealth. Click the Contact Us button below to volunteer towards our cause

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